Page name: Naruto Obsessers [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-12-29 06:10:08
Last author: Piercedskull
Owner: XxTsomexX
# of watchers: 11
Fans: 0
D20: 15
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~*~Naruto Obsessers~*~


This Wiki is for people so obsessed with the anime Naruto, that they would either A) Die B) Cut their wrists or C) Sue the cable company if it was ever taken off the air.




Naruto Obsessers Memberlist (just add your name)



Naruto Obsessers Fanart (all your Naruto fanart)


Naruto Obsessers RP (we RP here)


Naruto Obsesser Random Stuff (images, cosplay, other Naruto wikis ect.)


Naruto Obsessers Badges


Dividers By: Elftown Graphics

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2007-05-14 [XxTsomexX]: hi ^^'

2007-05-14 [Aki Neko]: ^_^

2007-05-14 [Iruvielle]: awwwww! and HEYYY

2007-05-14 [Surimia]: i missed youze all *glompage*

2007-05-14 [Aki Neko]: ^ ^

2007-05-14 [XxTsomexX]: i missed you too!! ^^

2007-05-14 [Surimia]: woodles!

2007-05-14 [Iruvielle]: lol

2007-05-14 [Aki Neko]: \/\/007!

2007-05-14 [Surimia]: we need more madness. must i get out the super soakers?

2007-05-14 [Iruvielle]: *runs around in crazy circles chanting 'fred fred burger'* (-.- thanks Aki.. :P)

2007-05-14 [XxTsomexX]: XDD

2007-05-14 [Surimia]: OHNUUUUUUU not thaT song!

2007-05-14 [Aki Neko]: FRED FRED BURGER!!


2007-05-14 [XxTsomexX]: hahahahahahahahaahhahaha

2007-05-14 [Surimia]: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaack

2007-05-14 [Aki Neko]: jude?when do we get hammer thingys? cuz i can make some neet stuff with one, like a table, or a chair..


2007-05-14 [Surimia]: double aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack

2007-05-14 [Iruvielle]: *tackle Surimia*

2007-05-14 [Surimia]: *eeeeeep*

2007-05-14 [Aki Neko]: XD

2007-05-14 [Surimia]: help, somebody!

2007-05-14 [Aki Neko]: shes just playin.^ ^

2007-05-14 [Surimia]: i know 1000 years of death, dont make me use it!

2007-05-14 [Iruvielle]: O_O *runs away fast*

2007-05-14 [Surimia]: tis ok, i wont now.

2007-05-14 [Iruvielle]: *is long gone*

2007-05-14 [Surimia]: ..................................

2007-05-14 [Aki Neko]: oops..i think you scared her...

2007-05-14 [Surimia]: id only actually DO it if the imitations went on....but thats not likely i dont think.

2007-05-14 [Iruvielle]: *tackles Surimia from behind*


2007-05-14 [Iruvielle]: *laughs hysterically* that sounds like how i was talking earlier and on a diffwerent wiki....

2007-05-14 [Surimia]: you said "shkwaa?"

2007-05-14 [Iruvielle]: just about.. i was babbling some weird almost incoherent stuff... and i was locked in a padded room and was wearing a straight jacket...

2007-05-14 [Surimia]: O_o

2007-05-14 [Aki Neko]: mew?

2007-05-14 [Iruvielle]: ya.. only cuz the people on there were driving me crazy... LOL

2007-05-14 [Surimia]: oooooooooooohkay

2007-05-14 [Iruvielle]: ya... *sits in a corner*

2007-05-14 [Aki Neko]: chu...

2007-05-14 [Surimia]: ah well. now what?

2007-05-14 [Evolution X]:


Missing: </huge>

2007-05-14 [Aki Neko]: HELLO!

2007-05-14 [Iruvielle]: O_O *screams in surprise*

2007-05-14 [Surimia]: .............

2007-05-14 [Evolution X]: HEYO! ^_^

2007-05-14 [Surimia]: *confuzzled*

2007-05-14 [Iruvielle]: *is still sitting in a corner*

2007-05-14 [Surimia]: ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

2007-05-14 [Evolution X]: HA! *pose*

2007-05-14 [Surimia]: ..................

2007-05-14 [Iruvielle]: *is still sitting in a corner, now trying to hide*

2007-05-14 [Surimia]: whats with everybody?

2007-05-14 [Aki Neko]: *hugs evo*YAY!

2007-05-14 [Evolution X]: Im suffering from insomnia.

2007-05-14 [Iruvielle]: awwww :( *huggles*

2007-05-14 [Surimia]: so am i! i havent slept more than three hours since i was 10! im gonna end up looking like gaara.

2007-05-14 [Iruvielle]: rotfl.. A FEMALE VERSION OF GAARA! would be pretty easy to cosplay as him then..

2007-05-14 [Aki Neko]: i could draw that...actually, iv seen it...

2007-05-14 [Evolution X]: Uhhhh... It's 2:40am here... I think I win.

2007-05-14 [Iruvielle]: hey evo, that's nothing.. last week i was up until 4:30am, slept till 5:30am, then went on no sleep for about two days!

2007-05-14 [Evolution X]: ............ that explains alot.

2007-05-14 [Iruvielle]: what's that supposed to mean??

2007-05-14 [Aki Neko]: ^ ^;

2007-05-14 [Surimia]: ....

2007-05-15 [Aki Neko]: mew...

2007-06-05 [Surimia]: NO POSTS SINCE LAST MONTH?!
*whaps everyone with temari's (stolen) fan*

2007-06-05 [XxTsomexX]: ???????? we're here lol

2007-06-05 [Aki Neko]: i was last to comment! i was waiting!

2007-06-05 [Surimia]: goodie.
now, what shall we discuss in the manner of ninjas?

2007-06-05 [Aki Neko]: hymmm.....

2007-06-05 [XxTsomexX]: lol rum!

2007-06-05 [Aki Neko]: thats pirats,tsome!

2007-06-05 [XxTsomexX]: so? Fine then... SAKEEE!!!!!

2007-06-05 [Iruvielle]: O.o

2007-06-05 [Evolution X]: PIRATES Vs NINJAS! *grabs katana*

2007-06-05 [Aki Neko]: *put on naruto theme*

2007-06-05 [XxTsomexX]: *grabs sword* have at thee ye dirty ninja!

2007-06-05 [Evolution X]: but.... this is a ninja place. *sits and thinks* We are pirate ninjas!

2007-06-05 [XxTsomexX]: lol

2007-06-05 [Evolution X]: ^_^

2007-06-05 [Iruvielle]: i'd have to be on the side of the pirates in this one..

2007-06-05 [Aki Neko]: *hold up kuni in a pirate hat* =)

2007-06-05 [Iruvielle]: O.o...

2007-06-05 [Aki Neko]: nya! ^ ^

2007-06-07 [Surimia]: im a ninja ninja...though i have seen fanart of team 7 doing POTC cosplay and was quite funny...(sasu-will turner!!! <3 *dies)

2007-06-07 [Aki Neko]: XD

2007-06-07 [Surimia]: wot?
sakura as lizzie was funny.
but nobody beats out te number one idiot as jack sparrow himself.
that made me choke with laughter.

2007-06-07 [Aki Neko]: aww...XD i wanna see kakashi ...wait no, iruka as jack!!!

2007-06-07 [Surimia]: kakashi was barbarossa....i don't think iruka was in it at all...
(though oro as davy jones got big laughs)

2007-06-07 [Aki Neko]: XDDLMAO!!davy orochi!

2007-06-07 [Surimia]: YOSH
and anko as calypso!

2007-06-07 [Aki Neko]: XD

2007-06-07 [Surimia]: and i forget the rest.
but it was friggin' hilarious

ive dropped me brain."

2007-06-07 [Aki Neko]: XDDDDDDDDD

2007-06-08 [Surimia]: me luffs that line.

oh, adn the famous.....


2007-06-08 [Aki Neko]: XDDD my fav is

jack:*shoots at monkey in cage* here, and undead monkey.


2007-06-08 [Surimia]: anko likes the undead monkey, corteously played by akamaru

2007-06-08 [XxTsomexX]: T-T my monkey...

2007-06-08 [Aki Neko]: awwww!!XD

2007-06-08 [Surimia]: yosh.
i simply must get the friend who did it to scan it so i can show it...

2007-06-08 [Aki Neko]: XD

2007-06-08 [Iruvielle]: .....

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]: i drew a fox naruto and wrote "foxy naruto'XDDDD

2007-06-09 [Iruvielle]: hahahaha!!!!!!!!! what are you talking about? Naruto isn't foxy!! rofl!

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]: XDDD

2007-06-09 [Surimia]: what about the ultimate fanflash number 5?! he sang the "foxy foxy" song!!! doesnt that count for anything?

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]: he did?Oo diddnt notice...*looks it up*

2007-06-09 [Surimia]: he did! right before choji sings "food glorious food" !

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]: wait...what fanflash are you talking about?

2007-06-09 [Surimia]: five

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]:, or newgrounds?

2007-06-09 [Surimia]: newgrounds

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]: oh, i dont watch those ones.

2007-06-10 [Iruvielle]: O.o okkk.. I didn't want to know that, thanks! >.<

2007-06-10 [Aki Neko]: ???

2007-06-10 [Iruvielle]: The whole Naruto singing foxy foxy... >.<

2007-06-10 [Surimia]: its funny! then choji sings about food, then gaara and kankuro sing "all that junk inside yo trunk" (LOL) then kakashi sings "somebody told me you had a boyfriend who looks like a girlfriend" to haku and zabuza....its funny!

2007-06-10 [Aki Neko]: XD

2007-06-10 [Surimia]: theres even a friggin' WIKI for it.....


2007-06-10 [Aki Neko]: Oo oks......

2007-06-10 [Iruvielle]: hahahahaha... ok thennn..

2007-06-10 [Surimia]: now wot?

2007-06-10 [Aki Neko]: dunno.

2007-06-10 [Surimia]: .......................

2007-06-10 [Iruvielle]: idk either...

2007-06-10 [Surimia]: we could:
1. sit around and l33t speak like n00bs
2. babble mindlessly like fangirls
3. have an intellectual discussion about ninjas
4. make up stuff and laugh at it
5. post random avatars and think "WTF"

2007-06-10 [Iruvielle]: hmmmm.... *tries to think, but mind overheats and explodes*

2007-06-10 [Surimia]: O.o
somebody fetch the mop.......

2007-06-10 [Aki Neko]:


2007-06-10 [Surimia]: ...........

2007-06-10 [Iruvielle]: O.o *blinks*

2007-06-10 [Aki Neko]: \/\/47?j00 |>0|\|'7 |<|\|0 |337?

2007-06-10 [Surimia]: y00zsz 4r3 7yk3 t00t477 n0000b5sz 7yk3 ur m0m lolllz

2007-06-10 [Iruvielle]: *leaves*

2007-06-10 [Surimia]: ok, enough of that.

2007-06-10 [Aki Neko]: 7|-|47 \/\/45 |\/|34|\|.

2007-06-10 [Surimia]: ?

2007-06-10 [Evolution X]: It wasn't mean...

2007-06-10 [Aki Neko]: was too. she insuted my mommy!

2007-06-10 [Surimia]: my flawless imitation of a web n00b.
no real insults intended.
sorry ^^'

2007-06-10 [Aki Neko]: i was kidding.

2007-06-10 [Surimia]: ok then.

2007-06-10 [Iruvielle]: *returns*

2007-06-10 [Surimia]: yay!

2007-06-10 [Iruvielle]: lol

2007-06-10 [Surimia]: now what?

2007-06-10 [Aki Neko]: dunno....

2007-06-10 [Evolution X]: *is having a panic attack since I could read the wrinting*

2007-06-10 [Iruvielle]: O.o

2007-06-10 [Surimia]: ...?

2007-06-10 [Evolution X]: .... ^_^

2007-06-10 [Aki Neko]: |337 rules.^_^

2007-06-10 [Iruvielle]: riiight...

2007-06-10 [Surimia]: i prefer being able to read what people are writing.
i may be too lazy to use punctuation most of the time, but i can't read something thats all numbers

2007-06-10 [Aki Neko]: oh...sorry.

2007-06-10 [Iruvielle]: join the club...

2007-06-10 [Surimia]: tis ok.

2007-06-10 [Surimia]: sorry, my comp can't work youtube right now (broken or something...)what is it?

2007-06-10 [Iruvielle]: My comp won't work it either >.<

2007-06-10 [Aki Neko]: that was weird...

2007-06-10 [Evolution X]: NIPPLES!

2007-06-10 [Aki Neko]: blue and red.

2007-06-10 [Iruvielle]: O.o

2007-06-10 [Aki Neko]: syla and.....

2007-06-10 [Evolution X]: Wasn't it Sylvia and Malcomn or something?

2007-06-10 [Aki Neko]: i ment shyla and something...nevel!

2007-06-10 [Surimia]: ........................

2007-06-10 [Evolution X]: Nevel and Shyla are his nipples. One is blue and rather dissapointing, the other is large red and suprisingly subtle.

2007-06-10 [Iruvielle]: same... *lost*

2007-06-10 [Aki Neko]: XDDDDD

2007-06-10 [Surimia]: .............................

2007-06-10 [Iruvielle]: i'm not gonna bother asking...

2007-06-10 [Surimia]: me neither.

2007-06-10 [Iruvielle]: lol

2007-06-10 [Surimia]: i added fanart to the fanart page....

2007-06-10 [Aki Neko]: yay!*runs and sees*

2007-06-15 [Surimia]: man, i'm gone for a week and nobody does anything.
we need one of those supporting characters who kick-start everything.

2007-06-16 [Aki Neko]: XD

2007-06-16 [Iruvielle]: Lol...

2007-06-16 [Aki Neko]: so, whats up then?

2007-06-16 [Iruvielle]: ME? Nothing... just doing stuff for my bro's band.. (re-creating the website and such..) >.<

2007-06-16 [Aki Neko]: XD YAY!!!~ i havent heard any of theyr music and am already a big fan!!^0^ XD

2007-06-16 [Iruvielle]: rofl! OMG! i almost forgot to tell you.. soon their music will be on their purevolume site! As soon as my brother gets down to business and puts it on there!!!!

2007-06-16 [Aki Neko]: YAY! I WANNA SEE*listen to* IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-06-16 [Iruvielle]: rofl! When he gets it up, I'll tell you.. DID YOU SEE THE FAN SITE I MADE THEM????? I can't remember if I showed you or not.. >.<

2007-06-16 [Aki Neko]: yeah, but i forgot to bookmark it!>.< send it to me please!

2007-06-16 [Iruvielle]: i shall!

2007-06-16 [Aki Neko]: thanks you!!!!!!!

2007-06-16 [Iruvielle]: no problemo at all! =D

2007-06-16 [Aki Neko]: ^__________________^

2007-06-18 [legeloss]: HIhi every body ^^

2007-06-18 [Iruvielle]: hallo

2007-06-19 [Aki Neko]: yo.

2007-06-19 [Iruvielle]: HEY!!!!

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